152126995_3814263821963064_7736195292852786161_o The menu
The menu
20210227_PXL181501597_Pixel3a-JEBcrop The package
The package
20210227_PXL192036308_Pixel3a-JEB The instructions
The instructions
20210227_PXL181617817.NIGHT_Pixel3a-JEB The contents
The contents
20210227_PXL182510323_Pixel3a-JEB starter in tub
starter in tub
20210227_PXL182635047_Pixel3a-JEB starter: Artichauts à la Grecque oeuf mollet
starter: Artichauts à la Grecque oeuf mollet
20210227_PXL182902085_Pixel3a-JEB starter: Artichauts à la Grecque oeuf mollet
starter: Artichauts à la Grecque oeuf mollet
20210227_PXL184414136_Pixel3a-JEB main after 15 mins in water bath
main after 15 mins in water bath
20210227_PXL184710182_Pixel3a-JEB Ready to serve
Ready to serve
20210227_PXL184933898_Pixel3a-JEB main: Raie de Méditerranée au beurre noisette, grenailles et oignons rôties
main: Raie de Méditerranée au beurre noisette, grenailles et oignons rôties
20210227_PXL190829911_Pixel3a-JEB dessert: Pomme et orange façon trifle
dessert: Pomme et orange façon trifle